Like no other monstrous computer program, Ransomware act on the mercy of people. Its spread and infection has reached to another height, cracking down itself on almost all parts the world today. Lately another Ransomware- JS/ Ransom DDL, has broke down to infect systems with yet another new way.

Unlike others, JS/ Ransom DDL has a distinctly vicious way to infect systems. Usually, Ransomware (follow this link to know more about Ransomware) transmits itself via payloads and malicious links & advertisements. But this time, Ransomware has found rather an easier way to masquerade with the system of innocent users.

With Ransom DDL, users just need to click on the so called document file. This originally is a JavaScript, containing the wicked programming language. Apparently, that is why it really doesn’t need any sort of software or a payload. As soon as the user clicks on the attachment, Ransom DDL starts its work and encrypts all files on a system.

Ransomware Researcher says…

A researcher from Sophos has spoken about this Ransomware, saying, “The JavaScript doesn’t download the Ransomware, it is the Ransomware….No additional software is downloaded, so once the JS/Ransom-DDL malware file is inside your network, it’s ready to scramble your data and pop up a ransom message all on its own.”

What Ransom-DDL does next?

Ransom-DDL seemingly has taken the other way round to infect system, but its aftermaths are exactly the same as the other Ransomware have. As soon as it infects the system, its prompts the users to pay the ransom money.

But wait! There is something unusual about this Ransomware. It deliberately installs a password stealing malware. This password remains there even after the ransom has been paid and the files have been decrypted. Perhaps, this activity of Ransom-DDL makes it even stronger and hard to break.

JavaScript of Ransom-DDL

Further, just like other JavaScript malware, Ransom-DDL also shields itself as a text file. This helps the Ransomware to hide its extension and infect users’ systems in an easier way. This simply follows as:

Supposingly, the file name is ‘Invoice.txt.js’. But since the programming done is wicked, it would display the file name as ‘Invoice.txt’. So what’s the way to protect against Ransom DDL?

Ways to Protect Against JavaScript Ransomware

Since this a JavaScript based Ransomware, there are a few quick ways to stray from it. Follow them here:

  • Configure Windows to show file extensions in the attachment. This will allow you to identify the files as they are.
  • Configure Windows to open JavaScript file with Notepad. This will display the JavaScript files as text instead of running them as program.
  • Protect all your files with backup on cloud storage. You can safely and securely backup your files using Right Backup app.

Right Backup is an app to backup files on cloud storage in a jiffy. The app has handy and accessible features with quick restoration and automatic backup options.

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