Apple held its March Keynote Event earlier today where the company presented a new iPhone alongside a smaller iPad Pro. Traditionally, Apple streams its events online to people worldwide but until some time ago, only Apple’s own browser, Safari, supported the stream.
That changed at the previous Apple event held in September of last year when Apple added Microsoft Edge to the list of supported browsers. Apple continued to support Microsoft Edge in streaming today’s event as well. As such, all users of Windows 10 can now watch Apple’s March Keynote Event from their Edge browser.
Although the event is now over, the full replay is already available. If you missed something in particular or just want to watch how Apple unveiled the new iPhone SE and the iPad Pro, you can watch it again using this link. Just open the link in Microsoft Edge and you’re good to go.
Unlike Edge, other rival browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Opera are still unsupported. Some people guessed Apple’s reasoning behind offering the stream on Windows 10’s browser is to convince users of Windows 10-powered devices, like the Surface Pro 4 or Surface Book, to replace their gear with Cupertino’s device and that’s exactly what happened.
Apple announced the above-mentioned iPad Pro today, stating that it will be “the ultimate PC replacement.” Apple also said that the new device would attract a lot of users to switch teams and buy the new iPad. How Microsoft will react to this direct hit we’ll see but until then, you can read more about Apple’s alleged PC replacement in our article about the iPad Pro.
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