What is the Variance Analysis?

In simple words, variance analysis studies the deviation of the actual outcome against the forecasted behavior in finance. It is essentially concerned with the difference between actual and planned behavior and how business performance is impacted.

Businesses can often improve their results if they will first plan their standards for their performance, but sometimes, their actual result doesn’t match their expected standard results. When the actual result comes in, Management can focus on variances from the standards to find areas needing improvement.

For Example, suppose that Taj Hotel pays the housekeeping crew $5 per hour. Did the Housekeeping crew take longer to clean the room than that management planned? It results in a direct Labor Variance efficiency.

Understanding Variance Analysis

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Suppose a company set a target to make a profit of $100 million by selling goods worth $200 million and the total production cost is $100 million.

But at the end of the year, the company observed that the profit was $50 million instead of $100 million, which is not a good fit for an organization, so the company has to think about the reason for not achieving the target set by the company. Certain factors affect the company’s profit; by analyzing the facts, they came to know that the production cost changes from $100 million to $120 million. Production cost changes due to the following factors.

  • Change in Material cost.Change in Labour CostAnd, Change in Overhead CostOverhead CostOverhead cost are those cost that is not related directly on the production activity and are therefore considered as indirect costs that have to be paid even if there is no production. Examples include rent payable, utilities payable, insurance payable, salaries payable to office staff, office supplies, etc.read more

So the difference between the actual output to the Standard output is called variance.

Types of Variance

  • Controllable variance can be controlled by taking necessary action.Uncontrollable Variance (UV) is beyond the control of the Departmental head.If UV is standard in nature and persistent, the standard may require revisionKnowing the cause of variance analysis is important to approach corrective measures.

Top 4 Types of Variance analysis in Budgeting

Given below are the Top 4 types of Variance Analysis

#1 – Material Variance Analysis

  • If you pay too much then the purchasing cost increasesIf you use too many materials then the production cost increase

Both purchasing and production costs depend on each other, so we have to look into not only the purchasing cost but also the Production Cost to know the total variance.

Example of Material Variance Analysis

Given below is an example of material variance.

Cost Variance

A: (Standard Quantity: 800 Kg)* (Standard Price: Rs.6/-) – (Actual Quantity: 750kg)*(Actual Price: Rs.7/-)

B: (Standard Quantity: 400 Kg)* (Standard Price: Rs.4/-)– (Actual Quantity: 750kg)*(Actual Price: Rs.5/-)

The Impact of the variance of Cost of Material is due to Price and Quantity.

Impact of Price on Material Variance Analysis

The Variation of Price for Type A is (Rs.7/- minus Rs.6/-) for 750 Kg

  • Impact of Price on Material A : ( Rs.1/-)*(750Kg) = Rs.750 (A)

The Variation of Price for Type B is (Rs.5/- minus Rs.4/-) for 750 Kg

  • Impact of Price on Material B : ( Rs.1/-)*(500Kg) = Rs.500(A)

Total impact of Price = Rs.750 (A) + Rs.500 (A)= Rs.1250 (A)

  • F stands for FavourableA stands for Adverse.

Impact of Quantity on Material Variance analysis

Variation of Quantity Used in Type A material is (800 Kg- 750Kg)*6

  • Price due to change in Quantity or Type A is: 300(F)

Variation of Quantity Used in Type B material is (400 Kg- 500Kg)*4

  • Price due to change in Quantity or Type A is: 400(A)

Impact of Quantity on Cost Variance is 300(F)-400(A) = 100(A)

Quantity further can be analyzed into two categories, i.e., Yield and Mix. Yield occurs due to the use of inferior material or excess material. In comparison, Mix is due to using a combination of two materials in a different proportion during the production process.

#2 – Labour Variance Analysis

Labour Variance occurs when the actual laborCost Of LaborCost of labor is the remuneration paid in the form of wages and salaries to the employees. The allowances are sub-divided broadly into two categories- direct labor involved in the manufacturing process and indirect labor pertaining to all other processes.read more cost differs from the projected labor Cost.

  • If you paid too much, that would be personal.If you use too many hours which is called efficiency of the Labour that will affects the production.

Example of Labour Variance Analysis

Standard (4 pieces production for 1 Hour)

  • Skilled: [email protected]/Semiskilled: 4 [email protected] 12/-Unskilled: 4 [email protected] 8/-

Actual Output

  • Skilled: [email protected]/Semiskilled: 3 [email protected] 14/-Unskilled: 5 [email protected] 10/-200 Hours Work12 Hours Idle time810 Pieces Production

  • Actual Time for Skilled Worker: 200*2(No .of Employee) = 400 HoursActual Time Work for Skilled Worker: (200 Hrs- 12(Idle Time)*2(No of Employee) = 376 Hours

Standard Time for Skilled Worker

  • To produce 4 Pieces (Standard time) a skilled worker needed 2 Hours so to produce 810 pieces standard time required4/2 *(810)= 405 Hours

Direct Labour Cost Variance

  • (Standard time* Standard Rate)- (Actual Time*Actual Rate)

Direct Labour Rate Variance Analysis

  • (Standard Rate- Actual Rate)*Actual Time

Direct Labour Efficiency Variance

  • Standard Rate*(Standard Time – Actual Time)

Reasons for Labour Variance

  • Time-Related Issues.Change in design and quality standards.Low Motivation.Poor working conditions.Improper scheduling/placement of labor;Inadequate Training.Rate-Related Issues.Increments / high labor wages.Overtime.Labour shortage leads to higher rates.Union agreement.

#3 – Variable Overheads (OH) Variance Analysis

Variable overheads include costs such as

  • Patents that have to be paid on units producedPower Cost per unit produced

The total overhead variance is the difference between

  • The actual Variable Overhead incurred for the actual output of the businessThe standard variable overhead we should have incurred for the actual outputVariable OH Variance=(SHSR)-(AHAR)

Example of Variable Overheads Variance

Reasons for Overheads Variance

  • Under or over absorption of fixed overheads;Fall in demand/ improper planning.Breakdowns /Power Failure.Labour issues.Inflation.Lack of planning.Lack of cost controlCost ControlCost control is a tool used by an organization in regulating and controlling the functioning of a manufacturing concern by limiting the costs within a planned level. It begins with preparing a budget, evaluating the actual performance, and implementing the necessary actions required to rectify any discrepancies.read more

#4 – Sales Variance Analysis

  • Sales Value Variance = Budgeted Sales – Actual Sales

Further Sales Variance is due to either change in sales price or a Change in Sales Volume.

  • Sales Price Variance = Actual Quantity (Actual Price – Budgeted Price)Sales Volume VarianceVolume VarianceVolume Variance is an assessment tool that checks if there is a difference in actual quantity consumed or sold and its budgeted quantities. It is usually expressed in monetary terms by multiplying the difference between the two with the standard price per unit.read more = Budgeted Price (Actual Quantity – Budgeted Quantity)

Reasons for Sales Variance

  • Change in Price.Change in Market Size.InflationChange in Market ShareChange in Customer Behaviour

Thus Variance analysis helps minimize the Risk by comparing the actual performance to Standards.

This has been a guide to What is Variance Analysis. Here we look at the calculation and examples of the top 4 types of variance analysis, including material variance, sales variance, labor variance, and variable overheads. You may also take a look at the following articles:-

  • Variance Analysis FormulaWhat is Sunk Cost?Indirect Costs MeaningDepreciation on Furniture