According to research done by IPSOS published in the New Vision newspaper on 8th June, unemployment was listed second after poverty on problems facing Uganda today. That means if you are unemployed, chances are, you’re not alone. But that shouldn’t stop you from making some money, should it?

Now, before you read on, lets be clear; am not going to offer some get-rich-quick schemes if that’s what you’re expecting. These are ways that if diligently implemented could get you some bucks, serious bucks if you’re a little more serious.

#1. Sell off some stuff online

The fact is, all of us have some stuff, valuable stuff,  in the closet that we wish to get rid of. It could be an old TV or Radio that’s gathering dust, some dell laptop, old furniture, shoes or even that car. But how do you sell these things when you don’t have a shop? Simple. The answer lies where you like posting funny photos about your last hangout, or where you comment on funny memes — Facebook.

Facebook has more than 50 different groups about buying and selling stuff. These include, Liquidation Uganda, Trade Links Africa, Kings Salesmen Africa, Online trading Uganda among others. Outside of Facebook, some people used to use Google trader, but it was recently killed. Now you can use an online classified site like or rocket internet backed online shopping site Kaymu that just opened shop in Uganda.  There are several people buying and selling things on these platforms on a daily basis. Just make sure you offer a good deal and be as genuine as possible.

#2. Start an online business

There are currently 6 million Ugandans online and over a billion worldwide who make doing business online or taking an online job in Uganda an attractive venture. The beauty about online businesses is that the cost of entry is low, very low so much so that for some, all you need is an email address and a password. This of course is suitable for unemployed folks who are often void of capital. Again, am not referring to those get-rich-quick schemes like Telexfree, the online Ponzi scheme that recently shutdown with people’s money.

There a number of brilliant ideas on what you can do online to earn some money. For instance, this site lists offering remote technical support for companies that can’t afford in-house IT experts,  Handmade craft seller  if you’re good at that, web/app development which could take you a few weeks doing free online coding courses, Social media consultant (everyone is doing that these days) among others. You can also come up with your own ideas for your online business. Blogging could be another way of making some money. This blog is a good example if you want inspiration.

#3. Solve the unemployment problem

It’s been said that money is a reward of solving problems. One sure way of solving your unemployment problem is by solving other people’s unemployment challenges.

But how do you solve unemployment when you yourself are unemployed? Tough question. However, the answer lies in your creativity and ingenuity. How about if you started a jobs website that curates free vacancies, internship opportunities for people looking for jobs online? By providing this valuable information to those having the same problem as you do, you’ll be amazed at the response you get. Thousands of visitors will flock your jobs website which in-turn you can monetize through Ads or some sort of commission for those that attained their dream jobs. You can also explore ways of providing valuable information on how people can get their dream jobs, perhaps write a book or hold seminars that your audience can pay for.

Unemployment continues to be a huge problem in Africa especially among the youth who are even educated. I remember the time I didn’t have a job and how I went into a period of despair, boredom, frustration and anger. Life almost came to a standstill. But with these tips and more, you can beat unemployment.
