We all have heard about different types of online threats and viruses injected through Internet. Although some of us might also be unfortunate enough to be victimized by such threats. Currently, we have lot of technologies to help us protect our systems from such threats. Knowing about all available protective measures is important. But knowing about all possible threats for our devices is also equally important as it would help determine the best protection for we need. The below infographic would tell you about some of the common online threats.

Conclusion –

There are many more online threats than the above listed. We have tried to bring together all the common types of threats for your knowledge. The best defense action for protecting your PC’s that everyone should take care of is to have an Antivirus/Anti-Spyware Software. With this we should always keep our computer software up-to-date with the latest security patches. Always make the backup of important documents on an external hard disk. While using internet be very alert about the opening of any websites or downloading of any files.

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