Twitter is one of the hottest news and social network services that allows the users to interact, share thoughts, post messages, news, information and jokes. However, unlike other platforms, your post is restricted to 140 characters and is called “Tweet”. It is a global communication platform where more than 100 million users post around 340 million tweets per day and has more than 319 million active monthly users.

The best part about this popular micro-blogging service is, anyone in the world can view whatever you tweet, until you to make your profile private.

Some of you may think, Twitter is bit impenetrable. It may look complicated at first but is actually very easy to understand and use. So, there is no other favored time than this, to get started with “Twitter”. With just 10 essential and quick tips, you can learn how to use Twitter, in no time and these hacks will help to get more followers.

Here are 10 quick tips to get started!

What is Tweet?

A post on Twitter is called “Tweet” or “Tweeting”. It can contain up to 140 characters’ message including spaces, hashtags and URLs.

What is Retweet (RT)?

A tweet that is re-sharing or giving credit to another user’s tweet. In other words, it’s a re-posting of a tweet. There are two type of Retweets, “Manual” and “Web Retweet”.

Manual Retweet is when you simply write “RT” before the @name or in front of content of somebody else’s Tweet. You can use it when you are adding your own comment to a tweet.

Web Retweet is when you click on the official Retweet button and the entire Tweet appears in your timeline in the original form, along with the author’s name. People usually use web Retweet when they just need to share it with others without adding anything in the tweet.

What is Hashtag (#)?

A hashtag (#) is a symbol that is used to denote a topic of conversation on Twitter. It helps to categorize tweets on Twitter, to make sure that other users will easily find and follow tweets according to index keywords. Hashtag allows you to click on the hashtag to reveal all the public and recently published tweets that contains that hashtag.

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What is Public or Private Profile?

Twitter provides a platform to share your views and information with whole world. So that, any person from any country can see your tweets and interact with you. However, you can elect your profile from public to private, incase if you don’t want to anyone to look into your profile therefore they need to take your approval first to do that.

What is Feed?

When your Home timeline displays the steady stream of updates, news, information from others users accounts, which you have chosen to follow on Twitter is called Feed. It may suggest you some content powered by a variety of signals, so you can Retweet, reply or like a Tweet from within the timeline.

What is Direct Message?

It’s a private Twitter message that is sent to you from your followers and just like regular tweets, direct message (DM) are limited in 140 characters. The best part about DMs are only you can receive and see direct messages and only your followers can send you direct messages.

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What is Handle?

Each Twitter handle has a unique URL and handle is just added after For Example; – so a Twitter hashtag refers to a keyword and topic preceded by the # symbol. You can also say that handle is another way of saying your username for Twitter.

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What is Mention (@ Sign)?

The way you tag another user’s handle (username) in a Tweet. Mention is used to notify a user. In another way, when you are replying to another user then you have to use @(mention) so, that the user will get notification that you have replied.

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What is Tweetchat?

Twitter beginners may wonder ‘what is Tweetchat’. Tweet chat is nothing just a live Twitter event which is usually moderated and focused around a general topic. Moreover, to filter all the chatter on Twitter into a single conversation, a hashtag is used. A particular time frame is also established so that the moderator, guest or host is available to engage in the discussion.

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Always Complete Your Bio

We highly recommend to complete your bio on Twitter, so that your profile will not look like spam. People usually search interesting people to follow, so make sure your bio relates to your post.

Now, you are ready to use Twitter but always remember, the more you use Twitter, the more enjoyable and useful it will become.

In case if you are a businessman, Twitter can be extremely useful for generating brand awareness or promoting your brand and business.

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