The race to the endless success and wealth is probably leading the individuals of this generation towards unwanted stress. The stress we go through thinking of how our future would end up is ruining our perspective towards the present. And as it tightens its grip, even a little blunder at the workplace can trigger all those unpleasant scenarios and thoughts. It’s not just jeopardizing our present but is also degrading our confidence to face hardships.

I once read a quote from Alberto Manguel, a Canadian anthologist and novelist, which said, “Maybe this is why we read in the moments of darkness, to find words for what we already know”. Reading brings knowledge, wisdom, and sometimes helps us to reflect on our own lives. Maybe understand where we see it all wrong.

I believe the best way to deal with stress and consequent anxiety and trauma is to learn and understand it. If you can gain knowledge of how stress and anxiety affect people, then you may be able to concur whether you’re going through the same phase. We often escape to the internet so that we can leave behind troubles of daily life for a while.

Keeping that in mind, I have prepared a list of some of the best mental health websites. What they write and publish you’ll get an insight into the things going wrong and may find a solution to those troubles:

Top 10 Blogs/Websites about Mental Health

1. Calm Sage

Calm Sage is a newly found mental health website that publishes content related to mental wellbeing. Being a mental health blog managed by individuals of the new generation, they have a new and somewhat more relatable approach to talk about mental wellbeing. You can read stories of famous people battling stress and traumatic experiences, read inspirational quotes, and read about therapies to stay calm and happy. Moreover, you can even share your own story while staying anonymous and let yourself out.

The best thing about this mental health blog is that it is trying to call out to the modern youth to talk about their mental health and encouraging them through stories of their favorite pop-culture icons. Plus, Calm Sage has also started their podcast and occasional webinars to allow users to directly interact with people who have pulled themselves out of severe mental wellbeing issues.

2. Happiful

Happiful is one of the most renowned print and digital magazines. This mental health website has a diverse approach to spreading awareness regarding mental wellbeing. It suggests how people can bring positivity in life by making changes in their lifestyle and food. It also produces content pieces on how cultural trends impact mental health.

Moreover, Happiful has focused on getting celebrities, and pop-culture icons on board to tell their stories and have featured them on magazine covers consistently. Plus, a well-organized podcast with experts and allowing readers to share their own stories make this mental health blog highly impactful.

3. Very Well Mind

Very Well Mind is a mental health website and blog which primarily focuses on dire mental conditions resulting from addiction and anxiety disorders and their impact on human psychology. You can gain insight into how you can improve your brain health and learn the symptoms and causes of different mental health issues.

Instead of going through medications, Very Well Mind focuses on helping people by emotional therapies and guiding them through positive physical changes in their bodies through exercise suggestions and other lifestyle changes. Moreover, it promotes meditation as an important healing aspect to overcome stress and anxiety.

4. The Talkspace Voice – Official Blog of Talkspace

Talkspace is an online mental health counseling and treatment facility that connects users with licensed mental health experts and therapists who then help in guiding them through proper procedural treatment and medication (if required) further. The Talkspace Voice is the company’s official blog.

The blog publishes stories about how people can cope with mental health issues caused by personal relationship strains and family issues. The blog content offers suggestions over how people can adopt measures in their lifestyle to battle their conditions. Plus, it publishes critical stories over the inability of the public and administration to acknowledge mental health conditions. Moreover, there are a few stories of people who have narrated how crimes against them caused them traumatic disorders.

5. Psych Central

Now, this mental health website is more about doing a bit of medical research and not only reading blog content. Psych Central has categorized its content in tens of different columns, all representing a type of mental health issue such as anxiety & panic, personality issues, sleep issues, post-traumatic stress disorder, and schizophrenia. You can read about the symptoms of these conditions and even refer to treatments.

Psych Central also helps you conduct personality quizzes to analyze your psychological condition. Beside reading general blogs on mental wellbeing and updating oneself with daily trends revolving around mental wellbeing, psych central connects users directly with mental health experts if someone requires a direct treatment or counseling over any mental health issue.

6. Bipolar Burble by Natasha Tracy

Natasha Tracy is a famous writer and speaker on mental illness and is an expert on bipolar disorder. She speaks at institutions and other major platforms openly about mental wellbeing, while guiding everyone on coping up with their troubles through her mental health website. The website’s content ranges from suggestions for coping with specific mental illness and issues.

She aims at eradicating taboos surrounding mental illness so as to help the mental illness patients sustain a positive and non-toxic environment around themselves. Natasha Tracy has also co-authored a book, Lost Marbles, which covers Natasha’s own battle with depression and bipolar.

7. The Mighty

The Mighty is a mental health website-cum-community wherein people can join in and talk about their own experiences with anxiety and other mental health issues. There are community meetings organized by The Mighty’s members so that people can interact with others who have gone through similar mental health issues in person and endure some positive thoughts by listening to their stories.

Currently being operated in multiple states of North and South America, as well as Asia-pacific regions. Since most stories are published as posts from common community members and audiences, it accounts for real-life scenarios, making the site more effective overall.

8. MQ

MQ is one of the best mental health blogs and websites I’ve ever come across. It is true that the public refrains from acknowledging mental health issues, leaving victims with no help and support at dire times. MQ works on the agenda, where they conduct research with the help of experts and publish content to help people fully understand what mental illness is.

It publishes stories about scientific reforms and developments that medical research is witnessing these days and guides people with mental health troubles with steps and resources for improvement. Besides, MQ has been active in collecting stories revolving around individual battles of people with severe mental health conditions.

9. NAMI – National Alliance of Mental Illness

A not-for-profit American organization, NAMI has been extensively working towards spreading awareness about mental wellbeing and helping people suffering from mental health issues. By affiliating with other treatment facilities and hep centers for mental health, NAMI has been serving Americans without self greed.

Besides education programs and public advocacy of mental health, NAMI runs a mental health blog. Their writers share methods of coping with emotional distress and stigma while also discussing all other kinds of mental health issues. It’s an effective blog for those who wish to learn about mental health regardless if they have ever been through stressful issues.

10. Happify Daily

Happify is a mental health website that is pretty much concerned about the science behind mental wellbeing. And that’s why the solutions their blog tends to offer are mostly evidence-based. It covers all policies and charity ventures and activities that are focused on mental health awareness. Besides, they have a portal of their own comprising mental health experts with whom you can engage in conversations in case you or your loved ones are going through some tough times. Happify also have their app where you can get healthy solutions to mental health issues along with clinically validated therapeutics.

Our Pick

Calm Sage is my personal pick, given the fact they have a more youthful approach towards talking about mental wellbeing. Plus, they are producing some impactful webinars and podcasts, thus trying to reach out to people via different media. The main goal is to have people get it out and talk about it, which is truly the first step and the most important one to deal with the issues associated with mental wellbeing.

Mental wellbeing needs to be talked about and stuffing it back in the back of our minds will never produce a fruitful solution to mental health issues. These issues, medically termed as disorders, may not tighten their grip if everyone supports their known and loved ones and helps them understand that they aren’t alone. These mental health websites are pretty much doing the same, using the internet for its real cause, that is, bringing everyone close.

What are your views?

What is your belief in mental wellbeing, and why do you think it remains a taboo in hundreds of societies? Do you think that talking about it can kick-start a process of dealing with such issues? Tell us in the comments and get in touch with us!

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