The SkyDrive service has been deeply integrated into the newest version of Windows operating system. Windows 8.1 lets you use SkyDrive as your default location to save documents, provides offline access to SkyDrive files, and allows you automatically upload photos and videos from your camera roll folder to SkyDrive account.

To help users quickly access SkyDrive files and folders, Microsoft has integrated SkyDrive into Windows Explorer and it now appears in the navigation pane (left-side pane) of Windows Explorer. Even though SkyDrive folder in the navigation pane gives you easy access to your files and folders, those of you prefer using the dedicated SkyDrive app to access files/folders might want to remove the SkyDrive folder from the navigation pane.

Windows 8.1 doesn’t offer an option to hide or remove SkyDrive folder. About a month ago, we showed you how to remove SkyDrive folder from the navigation pane of Windows 8.1 Explorer by editing default values of Windows Registry. This time around, we have a cool utility to share with you to easily remove the SkyDrive folder from the navigation pane without having to manually edit the Registry.

This PC Tweaker is a free tool designed to customize This PC (Computer) as well as the navigation pane in Windows 8.1. With the help of This PC Tweaker, one can remove the default set of folders (videos, pictures, desktop, documents, and music) that appear in This PC (Computer), add new folders to This PC, and also customize the navigation pane by adding or removing items.

The current version of This PC Tweaker lets you remove the default SkyDrive folder that appears in the navigation pane of Windows 8.1 Explorer. Follow the given below instructions to remove the SkyDrive folder from Windows 8.1 navigation pane.

How to remove SkyDrive folder from the navigation pane using This PC Tweaker:

Step 1: Download This PC Tweaker zip file from here. Extract the zip file to get two folders: x86 and x64.

Step 2: Depending on the version of Windows 8.1 you’re running, open up x86 or x64 folder, and then double-click on ThisPCTweaker.exe file to fire up the program. Click on the Yes button when you see the UAC prompt.

Step 3: Once the program is launched, click on the navigation pane icon located upper-left corner to see navigation pane customization options.

Step 4: Here, select SkyDrive folder and then click Remove Selected button to remove SkyDrive folder from the navigation pane. Click Restart Explorer button to restart Windows Explorer.

To restore the SkyDrive folder, open up This PC Tweaker again, switch to navigation pane customization section, click Add new item, search for SkyDrive and click Add.

That’s it!