Continuing from where I left off in my previous post, here’s a list of things that you should avoid while make the switch to Cloud Computing.

  • Don’t do it alone

Don’t try this alone. Speak with your managed service provider about putting your business in the cloud. Most companies don’t have the size and sophistication to build their own clouds. Consult with systems integrators and technology companies for solutions.

  • Don’t be too selective

Don’t be afraid to use public and private clouds simultaneously. Make sure to understand all the security and data hazards associated with public clouds.

  • Don’t forget to service your workplace regularly

Don’t forget about service management. A regular check-up and maintenance is key to a smooth experience. Simply because you are shifting to a hardware-free operating base does not mean you will as well do away with all expenses on maintenance. The cloud needs support too, and you should budget for it.

See Also: Terms and Technologies of Cloud Computing

  • Don’t assume everything should move to the cloud

The excitement of having a new operational database does not call for the transfer of all your files and programs to online computing/storage. A few programs and files may still need to be retained for efficiency, or perhaps for security reasons. Technology expert will guide you on what to migrate and what to leave local.

  • Don’t be fooled by pitches

Don’t be taken in by “glossy presentations” – look for flexible approaches that don’t reflect a “one size fits all” vendor pitch.

  • Don’t assume the cloud is a “cure-all” remedy

Don’t assume that Cloud is the “silver bullet” – some assets should not be moved to the cloud, at least not initially. Cloud is a multi-dimensional solution, it has many types of computing models like public, private and hybrid.

  • Don’t forget the details

Always review the aspects related to the architectural dependencies, refresh cycles and application latency tolerance. Don’t neglect application performance management analysis, otherwise pre- and post-cloud migration user experience will be hard to quantify.

  • Don’t Delay

Plan and execute Cloud, as appropriate, using a set of well-defined incremental steps. Migration to the cloud is a journey.

  • Don’t ban internal hosting on principle

There are a few reasons to keep internal hosting rather than sending everything to an external data center. In-house data hosting is appreciable thing to do. With your own IT team, you can immediately deal with problems and tweaks without having to communicate with third parties.

  • Don’t try to build your own cloud

There’s no point in hosting your data off-site if you still have to pay for and manage the service and upkeep of those data centers. If you have to move your data to the cloud, then don’t think of building your own off-site storage system, lean on one of the many, many companies well-versed in the industry.

  • Don’t neglect Governance

Government regulation issues don’t disappear when you move into a cloud. If you don’t pay attention to compliance and governance, you’re putting your company at risk.

  • Don’t commit to a cloud provider that is new to network security.

Confirm that your cloud provider has a proven track of record of keeping data secure.

  • Don’t be afraid of the cloud.

Cloud computing is a new technology that is revolutionizing the way businesses configure their networks. It provides levels of scalability and speed that surpass traditional networks.

Moving to the cloud is the global trend now which all companies are following and wants to have it as a major part of its business plan. It is not the easiest thing to integrate, though it has many benefits but it may still pose a challenge if taken upon haphazardly.

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