Spiderman game on the PlayStation 4 might not be out till Christmas this year as recently revealed. Nevertheless, the fans of Marvel’s web-slinging superhero need not be disappointed as ‘Spiderman: Homecoming’ will be out this summer in July.

However, there are a lot of expectations from both game and the MCU movie as their trailers are simply fabulous. We’ve seen a lot of Spiderman video games in the past that were great and loved by fans. Although we’re sure that the new PS4 game will undoubtedly kick some solid butt as well, let’s remember some horrible games that would make gamers and Spidey fans cringe with disgust.

  • Spiderman- Return of Sinister Six

8-bit era was certainly a shallow time for video games, especially when it comes to superhero games. Although this game isn’t as terrible as Silver Surfer on the NES, it fails to capture the titular character on a lot of levels. It plays like Bionic Commando crossed with Double Dragon, topped off with some poor and unresponsive controls.

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The side-scrolling gameplay gets repetitive after a while with graphics being the only redeeming quality in Spiderman- Return of the Sinister Six.

  • Spider-Man: The Movie (Game)

Ok, a lot of fans know what happened to the game adaptation of Street Fighter: The Movie. Although this game didn’t get it that bad, ‘Spider-Man: The Movie’ game is certainly not a treat for fans or gamers. It features a horrible camera that disregards the otherwise fluid and responsive controls.

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It makes the gameplay too out of focused at times and clunky. Another fail are the stealth mechanics introduced in this game and don’t make a lot of sense. Boss fights can also be frustrating despite good combat system, making this game look more like a rushed attempt to cash in on the movie’s success. Oh, and not to mention Toby Maguire’s voice acting, which is acid to your eardrums.

  • Spiderman and Venom: Maximum Carnage

If there’s one Spiderman game you can literally killer expert gamers with, it must be Spiderman and Venom: Maximum Carnage on Super Nintendo. If you’ve read a review about how this game is one of the best beat-em-ups ever and agree, you’re certainly eating Ninja Gaiden (NES) and Double Dragon 3 for breakfast.

It should be clear to gamers and regular watchers of AVGN that if you see the letters ‘LJN’ on a game, it would be one of the most unfair games ever. Same is the case with Maximum Carnage that featured random villains, unnamed bosses and a single-player-only mission (the title betrays) that felt like a slap in your face.

  • Spiderman: Friend or Foe

If the only good part about a game is the fact that you could also choose a villain character, you know crap is about to hit the fan. Spiderman: Friend of Foe does exactly that and makes it even worse. It’s so goofy and non-serious that it would make the 60s Spiderman look like it could sweep Golden Globes.

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Players get to choose from a variety of Marvel characters related to Spiderman series as they must battle some nameless ghoul like enemies and generic Spidey villains. The game clearly doesn’t waste time on character development and is only second best to Superman for the N64 in bad superhero adaptations. Still better than online Flash Games featuring Spiderman though!

  • Spider Man 2

There might be a lot of fans who loved this game due to the new gameplay mechanics that made it feel like controlling Spiderman. But that’s the only thing good about Spider-Man 2 as it turned out to be extremely repetitive, especially if you’re playing the PC version. Despite some great mechanics, the game engine doesn’t make things feel fluid with poor combat and long missions with looping music that got annoying with time.

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Some gamers might argue that few of the above mentioned titles aren’t that bad. Nevertheless, compared to several other games that featured Spiderman, these entries literally fling crap at one of the most popular superheroes ever. We hope the new game washes away all the complaints fans might’ve had with the current titles.

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