Telegram’s standalone desktop app has been around since inception in 2013. The interface was true to Telegram’s prevalent theme -blue and white- and pretty much uncustomisable, save for the background. Well now, Telegram desktop version 1.0 is here to change all that. At a time when some chat apps are rationing new features and requiring an active internet connection on your smartphone so you can use the web app, Telegram comes out on top.
Telegram desktop available for Linux/Mac/Windows now sports a material design in line with the current trend for for desktop and mobile apps. The transitions between are smoother than before but perhaps the coolest thing about this update is the fact that Telegram desktop now supports custom themes.
Obviously the Telegram team understands the Batman struggle. The second sample theme they gave us is the dark theme and it looks just too awesome for words. There’s already a telegram channel [@desktopthemes] catering to anything Telegram desktop themes. Head over there and see how easy it is to skin your app. Alternatively, you can create your own themes if you’re a more hands-on person. @desktopthemes provides a how-to on how to do this. We would love to see what you can come up with, so have at it!
How To Generate Theme (from @desktopthemes)
To create a theme with a background image included you should put two files in a .zip archive:
1⃣ First one is the color scheme: ‘colors.tdesktop-theme’.
2⃣ Second one should be the background image: It can be named ‘background.jpg’, ‘background.png’, ’tiled.jpg’ or ’tiled.png’.
Tip: You should name it ‘background’ (if you’d like it not to be tiled), or it can be named ’tiled’ (if you’d like it to be tiled).
▶️After that you need to change the extension of your .zip archive to ‘tdesktop-theme’, so you’ll have: mytheme.tdesktop-theme |-colors.tdesktop-theme |-background.jpg (or tiled.jpg, background.png, tiled.png)
? Sample theme: