Telegram released a new update version 3.11 which has been overshadowed by the disturbing news that Iranian hacker group Rocket Kitten used an SMS verification flaw to hack a dozen Telegram accounts. Leaving that story for another day, Telegram is popular for releasing regular major improvements where others like WhatsApp are lagging. Let us look at some of the spanking new Telegram features.

Telegram stickers are one of the coolest things about this chat app. It makes coversations so colourful and expressive. But before this update, finding cool new stickers on Telegram was not a very straightforward. Now right from your sticker tab, you can scroll through hundreds of trending amateur and professional stickers. Once you reach a maximum limit of 200 sticker sets, unused one will be archived. When you need to reuse them, you simply reactivate them from Archived Stickers.

Personal Storage

Sorry Telegram, but your users already beat you to the punch. Many Telegram users, myself included have always used my personal chat window to send myself pictures, files and links across devices. Because Telegram is so seamless, the process is instantaneous. Telegram has now officially acknowledged this feature which is basically inbuilt cloud storage. To access your uploaded media, click your name and go to Shared Media. There’s no information yet from Telegram on the storage capacity but the transfer speeds have been ramped-up to between two to four times faster. So step aside Google Drive and Dropbox. Cloud storage has a new champion.

In-app Video Player for Telegram Desktop

Telegram for Desktop now sports an in-app video player. The video player opens in fullscreen and does away with the need for a third party app to play shared videos in the app. Other changes in the desktop app include new smooth message bubbles.

Other new Telegram features

  • Invite link group previews: Browse through the members of a group before joining.
  • New and improved camera, needing fewer taps to operate
  • Preview bot content such as music before sending

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