When it comes to features, Telegram is in a world of its own – no other instant messaging app comes close. Not even WhatsApp. Features including ability to share mobile screen during an audio or video call with another user, send video messages, Chat folder, secret chat, share live location & proximity alert, and the option to schedule and send silent messages, are some of the features exclusive to the app.That said, Telegram has now introduced its latest pack of features and they include; Reactions, Message translation, Themed QR codes, Hidden text (spoilers).

The New Updates


Sometimes, you receive messages, but you don’t want to send an actual message as a response but a reaction. Telegram is adding animated and interactive emoji to help users express themselves without actually typing a message to respond to a chat. Reactions are available in one-on-one private chats. They are also available in groups and channels, but only if the admins decide to turn it on. Admins also get to choose which reaction emoji are available.

Message Translation

Telegram says it now has over 500 million users globally using the platform to chat privately with friends and also chat in public channels. Because Telegram is present in over 100 countries, translation is an important part of the app. That’s why Telegram is finally introducing a feature that lets users translate any message into another language. Translation can be enabled in Settings, under the Language section.

Themed QR codes

This new feature lets you generate QR codes for any Telegram users with a public username. And It comes with personalized colors and patterns. This feature also works for groups, channels and bots.

Hidden Text (spoilers)

With the new spoiler feature, users can select any part of their text when typing and select the new ‘Spoiler’ feature to hide that portion of the message they are sending to another user. When users are ready to read it, they can tap the spoiler section and it’ll become readable.


These new additions from Telegram were the 12th updates of 2021 – They were also the last. We expect that Telegram will continue to introduce new updates to improve its platform in 2022. That said, which of these new updates do you find interesting? Or what update will you like to see introduced to Telegram in 2022? Tell us in the comment section below.