Bringing healthy changes in our life is necessary, and with the new year approaching, have you set any goals for yourselves?  Each one of us makes new year resolutions every year, but half of them die in the first month and the other half never even take off. What about this year? Will all your resolutions die a slow and silent death this year? Don’t want that to happen? We will help you with that.

We bring to you this article which explains how with the help of technology, you can keep your New Year resolutions this time.

We have curated a list of technology that comes to help in fulfilling the new year’s resolutions. As per a survey, the most common resolutions of all time include –

  • Improving Health
  • Earning/Saving more money.
  • Learning a new skill
  • Read/Write more often.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Get organized.
  • Spend more time with loved ones.

We will be focusing on each one of them and tell you how technology helps in achieving it. Read On!

How Technology Helps You In Keeping New Year’s Resolutions?

If you have proven to be the worst at keeping up with your new year resolution, then please read the following to get solutions from the tech world.

1. Meditation

Everyone is looking for a peaceful environment, Whether a student looking for a balance in school life or someone seeking the same at work-life . Meditation also helps you sleep better thus maintaining your health. Meditation could also help you cure insomnia, you can also opt to use the apps to help cure insomnia for self-help. With the wearables in trend, meditation can be very helpful as you carry it with them anywhere. Such Apple watch apps prove to be good in making it possible for you to meditate. Muse is one such gadget to provide you help in meditation. You can wear over your head and start meditating.It uses advanced signal processing to map your brain activity. This device could help you maintain your mental health \by practising on learning to focus.

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2. Maintain Budget

Another of the most kept New year resolutions is to maintain money. The solution by technology is to get budget apps for Android devices and iPhone devices to plan your budget for a week or month. If you are not sure how to keep a tab on money, then you can rely on these specific apps which are available on the go as the money management apps for Android and iPhone. As these apps could help you keep an eye on your expenditure.

3. Physical fitness

Fed up of paying the Gym membership and never going to it, you can try things at home. If you want to start exercising at home and wish to get a personal trainer, there are a lot of helpful apps. All shapes are good, but maintaining a healthy body should be everyone’s motto. To do so, some kind of exercise routine must be followed in daily lives. If you are into Yoga and want to stay focused but don’t know where to start, then you can get apps on Android to keep your Yoga routine on point, so that your new year’s resolution doesn’t die this time.  

4. Eating Healthy

Eating healthy is another of the new year’s resolutions for most people. This is not hard to believe but most of us do not stress on a balanced diet. Here as well, technology comes to help you with various apps available to be used on your smart devices. These apps can calculate the calories each food item contains, and help you learn about your diet. Along with this, you can check out other apps to keep a check on your diet and nutrition while on your smartphone.

Healthify is one of the best apps to keep your diet in check as it has a vast database which will easily tell you calories an item contains. Want to know more about calorie intake? There are apps available to inform you on your food intake. So, use these apps this year and don’t let your new year goals fade away.

5. Read more

It is necessary to gain knowledge on one or another topic. Also, it depends on your area of interest. The habit of reading keeps our brain active and also helps us to think positively. With everything available online, books have been digitized too. Kindle, Audible, Goodreads are some of the great tools which provide you with an extensive list of reading materials. You can choose to read online books, articles, audiobooks, etc. For bibliophiles, there is a collection of ebooks available online for Kindle. This makes it easier for avid readers to keep several books with them without adding extra baggage. Keeping up with current affairs is another way of updating yourself about the events happening around the globe.

Also read: Top sci-fi ebooks.

6. Write

Maintaining a journal is a very good habit, it also cultivates a sense of purpose. Also, writing about your day to day life will help you get through the hard times. Pouring it out can be very calming as it is an expression of how you feel about a certain event. It also helps you to understand yourself or a situation better as you go through the written journal later. But to make this easy, technology will come to your rescue with these journaling apps for smartphones.

7. Getting organized

If an organizer is what you relied upon in previous days, these apps will help you organize your days better. Productivity apps will get the most out of the input you put into your work. You also need to get the time tracking apps to help you keep up with time management if that is what you lack. Calendar apps are going to help you organize the schedule on your Android phone.

8. Practise self-love

Maintain the habit of appreciating yourself as much as you give importance to anyone or anything in your life. As we all know, technology has brought us many gifts along with negative thoughts. Therefore, to overpower the negative elements, start living in the real world, break off social media addiction. Learn more about caring for yourself and do not fall to the ugly side of social media.

Some apps can help you limit your social media addiction. One such app is called Social Fever and it is a great way to track your time spent on the phone every day. It reminds you to maintain your daily intake of water, tells you about screen time, and gives you other health-oriented tips, including reminders to give a break to your ears and eyes after a while. The application also shows you a summary of your daily activities on the phone with the total time indication, the number of phones unlocked, time spent on individual applications. You can get it now from the Play Store button given below –

To Sum It Up:

All people try to achieve the new year goals, but fail to do it on their own. We hope that the solutions we shared in this article will help you.

Share the article to help someone else in your circle you wish to keep up with their new year resolutions. We hope you and your loved ones could take some help from these tips and follow their new year resolutions to live a happy and healthy life.

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