A number of Windows 10 users have reported that their Taskbar has turned white all of the sudden. This has caused a lot of users to think that somebody else had access to their PC, but fortunately, the only change was the color.
Many users noticed that their taskbar turned white after recent Windows updates.The Windows 10 white taskbar can seriously affect screen focus, so you have to look into system personalization settings.Then you also have taskbar color settings or region settings that affect the color detail.There’s also a registry command to try if you don’t like that the taskbar is white.
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Why is my Taskbar white in Windows 10?
Sometimes when Windows 10 updates the system files, some settings might get scrambled up a bit. Even though this issue is strictly a visual one, users were not happy that this happened.
Some of them even said that they stopped installing Windows 10 updates to avoid any other changes.
This issue doesn’t affect the functionality of Windows 10 in any way, but in some cases, people are not able to distinguish between their pinned apps and the white background.
For this reason, in this article, we will explore the best way to deal with this issue and set your taskbar to the desired color quickly.
What can I do if the Windows taskbar is white?
1. Tweak modes in Personalization settings
- Open the Windows settings.
- Choose Personalization, then open Colors.
- Under Choose your colors, pick Custom.
- Toggle both default Windows mode and default app mode color options until you get the desired result.
2. Check Taskbar color settings
- Right-click an empty space on your desktop and select Personalize.
- Select the Colors tab in the right-side list.
- Toggle On the option Show color on Start, taskbar, and action center.
- If you want to choose a specific color, disable the option Automatically pick an accent color from my background. (Having this option disabled will allow Windows to choose a color for your taskbar based on your desktop background)
- From the Choose your accent color section, select your preferred color option.
Want to show the network icon on your Taskbar? Here’s how to do it!
3. Change Windows 10 region settings
- Press Win+X keys on your keyboard and select Settings.
- Inside the Settings window, select the Time & Language option.
- Click on Region and select a location in which Cortana is not available (examples include Gabon, Senegal, Samoa, Taiwan, etc.)
- Click the Start button -> click on your profile picture and select Sign out.
- Log back into your account.
- Follow steps 1,2, and 3 of this method to re-set your Region settings to the default setting.
4. Registry tweak
- Press Win+R keys on your keyboard, type regedit in the Run box and press Enter.
- Inside the Registry Editor, open this path:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search\Flighting\0\WhiteSearchBox
- Double-click on the Value key inside the right panel -> set the value to 0.
- Press Ok.
- Restart your PC.
Note: Please make sure that you create a restore point before changing any values inside the Registry Editor. Changing the values in the Registry without proper guidance can render your system unusable.
In this article, we explored a quick fix for issues caused by your taskbar turning white in Windows 10. Please make sure to follow the steps in the order that they were written to avoid causing any issues.
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