Steam could be working on a Steam Authenticator app for Windows phones according to a recent update in Steam code. For the time being, the gaming giant hasn’t confirmed anything, but most users tend to agree the code is hinting at an upcoming Windows Phone app.

Although Windows 10 Mobile is not the most popular mobile platform, Windows 10 is the most popular desktop operating system among Steam users, with Redmond’s desktop OS top dog in the Steam community with 95% of players running various Windows versions.

Windows phone has only a dim 1.22% market share, but most Windows 10 PC users also own a Windows 10 phone. Therefore, a Steam Authenticator for Windows phone could actually be quite a useful feature for Steam users.

Many Steam users also suggest the company should bring such an authenticator app to other mobile platforms as well.

An official Steam Authenticator for Windows phones also means better security level for user data. Although there is an unofficial Steam Authenticator for Windows phones, it cannot guarantee the same security level as an official app.

Good for Windows phone users. Even though they are a minority, when Steam will force something down your throat they should make it available for everyone.

For some users, an official Steam Authenticator app for Windows phones means more than a guarantee of data security and ease of access:


Well, I really hope that they will make a Windows Phone app. As a Windows Phone user, I have to use Steam app on my brother’s phone, to confirm trades, enter login code etc. So every time we fight or something, he doesn’t want to give me his phone just to make me angry.

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