Formula to Calculate Total Standard Cost

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Calculation of Standard Cost (Step by Step)

Standard costingStandard CostingStandard cost is an estimated cost determined by the company for the production of the goods and services or for performing an operation under normal circumstances and are derived by the company from the historical analysis of the data or from the time and the motion more is more prevalent in the manufacturing industry, and to calculate the same, we need to follow the below steps:


Example #1

Below is the summary extracted from PQR Ltd., which is in the business of manufacturing cotton. You are required to calculate the total Standard Cost.

  • Identify all the direct costs associated with the manufacturing cost, and if these costs would be if they don’t incur, then the manufacturing process would have impacted. Calculate the standard quantity and standard hours based on actual output. Categorize those costs into three significant buckets: Material, Labor, and Overhead, and then overheads can be categorized into fixed and variable. Take the total of the cost you calculated in step 3, which shall be the firm’s total standard cost.

  • Price (per kg): 13.20Quantity(Kgs): 480.00Hours: 360.00Rate: 10.80Output (kgs): 240.00


First, we need to calculate the standard quantity and hours and then multiply them with standard rates.

Calculation of Standard Quantity and Standard Hours

Calculation of Direct Material Cost you can do using the below formula,

Direct Material Cost Formula = SQ * SP

  • =384*13.20= 5,068.80

Calculation of Direct Labor Cost you can do using below formula as,

Direct Labor CostDirect Labor CostDirect labor costs refer to the total cost incurred by the company for paying the wages and other benefits to its employees against the task performed by them, which are straight away related to the manufacturing of the products or provision of the more Formula = SH * SR

  • =288.00*10.80= 3,110.40

Therefore, the calculation of the total standard cost you can do as follows,


Total Standard Cost will be –

  • Total Standard Cost = 8179.20

Therefore, the total standard cost will be 5,068.80 + 3,110.40, 8,179.20.

Example #2

Khaleel industries operating in the business of manufacturing steel pipes are worried about its rising cost and want to make a budget starting this year. Therefore, it has provided you with the below information and asked you to calculate the total budgeted or standard cost.


We need to calculate the standard quantity and hours and then multiply them with standard rates.

Direct Material Cost Formula  =  SQ * SP

  • = 1280*660= 8,44,800.00

  • = 19200.00*500= 96,00,000.00

Calculation of Fixed Overhead Cost you can do using below formula as,

Fixed Overhead Cost = SH * FSR

  • =(19200*240)= 28,80,000.00


Total Standard Cost will be –

  • =13324800.00

Therefore, the total standard cost will be 8,44,800 + 96,00,000 + 28,80,000 which is 1,33,24,800.

Example #3

Gold ltd has been trying to increase its gross profit marginGross Profit MarginGross Profit Margin is the ratio that calculates the profitability of the company after deducting the direct cost of goods sold from the revenue and is expressed as a percentage of sales. It doesn’t include any other expenses into account except the cost of goods more; however, they have remained unsuccessful in doing the same, and now they want to analyze its issue. Hence, it decided to review its manufacturing cost-related matters, if any. Below are the details, and they first want to calculate to check whether the total standard cost is an overestimate?

You are required to calculate the total standard cost.

Direct Material CostDirect Material CostDirect Material Cost is the total cost incurred by the company in purchasing the raw material along with the cost of other components including packaging, freight and storage costs, taxes, etc. that are related directly to the manufacturing and production of various products of the more = SQ * SP

  • = 3240.00*10.65= 34,506.00

Direct Labor Cost = SH * SR

  • =3888.00*6.00= 23,328.00

Calculation of Variable Overhead you can do using below formula as,

Variable Overhead = SR * AO

  • = 6 * 8100= 48,600.00

  • =3888.00*7.50=  29,160


  • =135594.00

Therefore, the total standard cost will be 34,506 + 23,328 + 48,600 + 29,160 which is 1,35,594.00

Relevance and Uses

It is generally observed that rather than allocating the actual costs of direct labor, direct material, and the manufacturing overheadThe Manufacturing OverheadManufacturing Overhead is the total of all the indirect costs involved in manufacturing a product like Property Tax on the production premise, Remunerations of maintenance personnel, Rent of the manufacturing building, etc. read more, whether fixed or variable, to the goods, many producers allocate the standard or the expected cost. It would mean that a producer’s cost of goods soldCost Of Goods SoldThe Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) is the cumulative total of direct costs incurred for the goods or services sold, including direct expenses like raw material, direct labour cost and other direct costs. However, it excludes all the indirect expenses incurred by the company. read more and inventories shall start with the amounts that reflect the standard costs and not the product’s actual costs.

On the contrary, the producers still have to bear the actual costs for the products. Consequently, there shall always be differences between the standard costs and actual costs, and those differences can be called the variances; later, management can analyze whether these costs were favorable or adverse.

This article is a guide to Standard Cost Formula. We discuss calculating the total standard cost using its formula, practical examples, and a downloadable excel template. You can learn more about financial analysis from the following articles –

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