Ucc Bans Sale Of Sim Cards With Immediate Effect

As of writing this post, MTN Uganda and Airtel Uganda, which together take up the lion’s share of the 23.5 million-strong subscriber base had stopped the sale of SIM cards with immediate effect. Other telecom companies are expected to follow suit. In statements shared on social media, this move follows a directive by the UCC in respect to the Sale, Registration and Replacement of SIM cards in the country. To this effect, street agents, and shops not licenced by KCCA and other municipal authorities are banned from selling SIM cards until further notice....

December 7, 2022 · 2 min · 319 words · Melany Maynard

Unduh Facebook Messenger Apk 2022 Untuk Android Softmany

Facebook Messenger APK untuk Android aplikasi percakapan yang biasa digunakan. Kirim dan terima pesan dengan banyak kontak. Bagikan foto dan video Anda. Panggilan audio atau video melalui jejaring sosial apa pun. Aplikasi terbaik untuk konservasi aktif secara individu atau bahkan dalam kelompok. Gunakan GIF, emoji, stiker untuk mengekspresikan perasaan Anda. Facebook Messenger Untuk Android Fitur Pengiriman Pesan yang Cepat Kirim teks Anda dengan satu klik ke bagian mana pun di dunia....

December 7, 2022 · 2 min · 342 words · Alberto Rivers

Vba Goto Statement How To Use Goto Statement In Vba

Excel VBA GoTo Statement To overcome the anticipated errors in VBA, we have a function called “GOTO.” We will see both kinds of GoTo statements in this article. You are free to use this image on you website, templates, etc., Please provide us with an attribution linkHow to Provide Attribution?Article Link to be HyperlinkedFor eg:Source: VBA GoTo Statement (wallstreetmojo.com) 2 Ways to use GoTo Statement in VBA Code #1 – Application....

December 7, 2022 · 5 min · 887 words · James Bertram

Viber Apk 18 5 3 0 Android

Viber Messenger Apk は、チャット、ビデオ、音声通話の無料サービスで、世界中の何百万人もの人々をつなぎます。 無料の高品質の通話システムを使用すると、友人、家族、その他の企業やあらゆる種類の取引に連絡できます。 Skypeの最高の代替品には、世界的な関係であなたを接続するためのネットワーク接続が必要です。 動画の送信、さまざまなステッカーや絵文字を使用したライブチャットを通じて、思い出を共有します。 Viber Apk 特徴 インストールと使いやすさ Google Playストアからアプリをダウンロードし、ダウンロード後に携帯電話番号とユーザー名を挿入します。 登録は、携帯電話番号のテキストメッセージの確認後に完了します。 アプリに電話帳、メディア、ギャラリーへのアクセスを許可します。 青色の+ボタンをクリックして、Viberが1対1またはグループ通話を開始するために使用する連絡先を表示します。 Viberユーザーは、タップするたびに紫色のアイコンでマークされ、無料通話、メッセージ、ビデオ通話、およびViber-Out通話のオプションが表示されます。 目次 グループ通話とチャット 最大200の連絡先とビデオ通信を行うことができます。 連絡先をクリックしてグループに追加すると、友達を追加できます。 さまざまな興味深いイベントを整理するためのグループを作成できます。 他のメッセージや声にいいね! 情報交換 Viberは、あらゆるタイプのエンターテインメントの検索、発見、検索を非常に簡単にしました。 会話を続けると、レストラン、イベントホテルなどの詳細を知ることができます。 安全な音声/ビデオ通話 アプリでは、基本的な音声通話、またはHD音質の対面ライブチャットを選択できます。 メッセージ、ビデオ、通話、画像、またはグループチャットの自動暗号化により、接続の安全性と信頼性が向上します。 「ダメージコントロール」機能は、送信後にメッセージを削除します。 また、「非表示のチャット」機能により、非表示の特定のチャットに後で簡単にアクセスできます。 ステッカーの使用 Viberが提供するステッカーストアでは、おしゃべりの状況や気分に応じた素敵なステッカーを送ることで、気持ちを表現できます。 プライバシー機能 Viberはメッセージを保護します。 誰もあなたのメッセージを読むことはできません。 主な特徴 無料通話とメッセージグループ通話とチャット情報交換;安全な音声/ビデオ通話ステッカーの使用プライバシー機能

December 7, 2022 · 1 min · 38 words · Scott Eastwood

We Answer What Is The Found 000 Folder In Windows 10 11

Some users might spot a mysterious FOUND.000 folder in Windows 10’s File Explorer and wonder what exactly the folder is for. That folder is generated after Check Disk file system scans (typically after improper system shutdowns) recover or repair corrupted files. Thus, FOUND.000 is a system folder that stores fragmented files recovered by Check Disk. Download DriverFix (verified download file). Click Start Scan to find all problematic drivers. Click Update Drivers to get new versions and avoid system malfunctionings....

December 7, 2022 · 3 min · 500 words · Kenneth Weaver

Webp Images New Image Format By Google

WebP format is an innovative image format offered by Google, which provides both lossless and lossy compressed images on the websites. Using WebP format, web developers can create low sized yet good quality images, which in turn helps websites to be more responsive and optimized. You can easily find use of WebP images on Google Play Store. WebP is intrinsically supported by Google Chrome and Opera web browsers. It is also supported by different software tools and libraries....

December 7, 2022 · 3 min · 445 words · Timothy Yarberry

Snapseed 1 2 0 Ndir I In Pc Windows 7 10 8 32 64 Bit

Snapseed PC Windows, acemiler ve profesyonel fotoğrafçılar için eşit derecede yararlı olan sınırsız görüntü düzenleme işlevlerinden oluşan bir settir. Google tarafından geliştirilen uygulama, 29 araç ve çeşitli filtreler sunar ve JPG ve RAW dosyalarında çalışabilir. Görüntünün stilini döndürebilir, kırpabilir ve değiştirebilirsiniz. Sosyal medya, iş kullanımı ve arşivde paylaşabileceğiniz şık ve benzersiz fotoğraflar sunmanın mükemmel bir yolu. Snapseed PC Özellikleri Basit ve Güvenilir İki ana bölümden oluşan çok basit bir arayüz – takım listesi için kenar çubuğu ve görüntüleri yüklemek için bir tuval....

December 6, 2022 · 2 min · 305 words · Raphael Compton

Snapseed 1 2 0 T I V Cho Pc Windows 7 10 8 32 64 Bit

Snapseed cho PC Windows là một tập hợp các chức năng chỉnh sửa hình ảnh không giới hạn, hữu ích không kém cho người mới và các nhiếp ảnh gia chuyên nghiệp. Được phát triển bởi Google, ứng dụng này cung cấp 29 công cụ và một số bộ lọc và có khả năng hoạt động trên các tệp JPG và RAW. Bạn có thể xoay, cắt và thay đổi kiểu ảnh....

December 6, 2022 · 3 min · 541 words · Sanford Harris

Sound Blaster X Fi Xtreme Music Not Working On Windows 10 11

Many Windows 10 users have started complaining that their Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Music sound card isn’t working anymore. Let’s have a look at what they’re saying. If you are the owner of a Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Music sound card and you plan to upgrade, I think you should read first this complaint coming from someone who has already installed it: Download DriverFix (verified download file). Click Start Scan to find all problematic drivers....

December 6, 2022 · 4 min · 711 words · Bernard Hutchison

South Korea Internet Censorship Extended How Can A Vpn Help

Whether you’re simply visiting South Korea or are currently living there, keeping your online activities private and away from prying eyes should be a priority to you. Stop monitoring and censorship with well encrypted VPNs Whether you’re visiting or living in South Korea, using a VPN will help you bypass restrictions. Currently, millions of South Koreans rely on VPN services to keep their online identity anonymous. Encrypting your connection and anonymizing your identity aren’t the only things a VPN can do....

December 6, 2022 · 6 min · 1179 words · Samuel Reasoner

Streamlabs Obs 1 4 0 Baixar Para Windows 7 10 8 32 64 Bit

Streamlabs OBS é um conjunto de pacotes de recursos bem projetado e que permite a transmissão on-line e off-line. A marca Logitech, juntamente com as ferramentas de streaming, com a especialidade de streaming e gravação em MAC. O software permite monitorar várias janelas, como caixa de bate-papo, editor de vídeo, o painel do aplicativo e também permite que você aprenda o procedimento de trabalho de todas as janelas. Streamlabs OBS Recursos Método de Instalação Simples Você pode instalar o programa a partir do aplicativo Windows PC Store e manualmente....

December 6, 2022 · 3 min · 545 words · Elizabeth Richardson

Supersu Apk 2 82 Cho Android T I V

SuperSU Apk cho Android là quyền kiểm soát nâng cao của superuser để truy cập cũng như quản lý các ứng dụng đã root trên thiết bị Android. Ứng dụng yêu cầu phải gỡ root thiết bị, thay đổi quyền đối với các ứng dụng cụ thể, điều này sẽ giúp bạn tránh khỏi các ứng dụng gây phiền nhiễu, mặc định và treo. Tương tự như trình quản lý siêu người dùng, ứng dụng cho phép bạn quản lý một số thông báo để đơn giản hóa toàn bộ quy trình....

December 6, 2022 · 3 min · 523 words · Laura Tessitore

The Cost Of Internet Shutdowns From 2020 To 2021 To Date Comparitech

According to research conducted by our team at Comparitech, internet blackouts and social media restrictions cost the world’s economy more than $4.5 billion in 2020. $2.5 billion of this (almost 60 percent) comes from over 100 shutdowns in India (mainly within the Jammu and Kashmir region). Implemented by governments to restrict communications and information during voting, school exams, outbreaks of militant fighting, and protests, these shutdowns have a huge impact on local and worldwide economies as well as citizens’ rights and freedom of speech....

December 6, 2022 · 9 min · 1774 words · Edward Howland

The System Cannot Find The Device Specified

If you’re getting the ‘ERROR_BAD_UNIT’ error code with ‘The system cannot find the device specified‘ description, follow the troubleshooting steps listed in this article to fix it. Download DriverFix (verified download file). Click Start Scan to find all problematic drivers. Click Update Drivers to get new versions and avoid system malfunctionings. DriverFix has been downloaded by 0 readers this month. ERROR_BAD_UNIT: What is it and why it occurs? ‘The system cannot find the device specified’ error message, also known as error 20 (0x14), occurs when PCs fail to detect external devices connected to the system....

December 6, 2022 · 6 min · 1077 words · Craig Grigsby

The Windows 10 Fall Creators Update Guide Here S What You Need To Know

Microsoft’s Brandon LeBlanc posted an interesting guide to the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. The document is a huge collection of all the features of the upcoming Fall Creators Update. Buckle up because there are 51 pages to read! Windows 10 Fall Creators Update highlights We can’t tell you all about everything, as we said there are 51 pages to read, but we’ll list some of the most important features that will be available in the upcoming Fall Creators Update:...

December 6, 2022 · 2 min · 404 words · Norma Pirtle

These Smartphones Are Designed For Hardcore Gamers

Peeps use smartphones for different reasons. Some use smartphones for professional purposes, some love chatting, some are interested in randomly surfing the Internet, others are interested in photographic aspects, education, etc. The list is endless, but there are some that want a smartphone for gaming. These individuals aren’t concerned about the quality of selfies or camera resolution; they just want to game all day long, all night long. They are mostly concerned with high-end graphics, big, razor-sharp displays, extensive battery life, CPU competency and all....

December 6, 2022 · 5 min · 1065 words · Lester Mullins

This Product Key Cannot Be Used To Convert Sharepoint Server Trial Fix

SharePoint is a go-to collaborative tool for so many different enterprises. It greatly supplements Windows Server and makes the organization workflow simple. Download DriverFix (verified download file). Click Start Scan to find all problematic drivers. Click Update Drivers to get new versions and avoid system malfunctionings. DriverFix has been downloaded by 0 readers this month. Even though licensing should be a simple task, some governing users weren’t able to license their SharePoint and were stopped by the “This product key cannot be used to convert SharePoint Server Trial” error....

December 6, 2022 · 3 min · 439 words · Richard Bloomer

Top 10 Things To Do Soon After Installing Windows 7

First of all I would like to congratulate all the lucky Windows 7 enthusiasts who have managed to grab a key from Microsoft & TechNet. If you haven’t got the key yet, then stop reading this post and head to Windows 7 page. If you have managed to grab a key then I would like to suggest few things that might help you to get better Windows 7 experience. There are many things that you can do when you install a fresh Windows but I will be listing only important factors that really help you....

December 6, 2022 · 3 min · 630 words · Susan Mcpherson

Top 7 Philips Hue Products You Should Consider Getting

The Philips Hue brand is a popular business that offers a wide range of lighting products dedicated to making your home smart and also aesthetically pleasing. Being a huge brand, they’ve provided several options for your specific taste. And so that’s why they are the go-to name for smart home fittings and lightning. Whether you prefer the conventional smart bulbs, LED strips, or even a table lamp, there’s a product designed to satisfy your need....

December 6, 2022 · 5 min · 870 words · James Lopez

Toshiba 40Pu201V1 Software Free Download Soft4Led

Hi, Welcome to our website soft4led.com In today’s new spot we are going to provide you with the TOSHIBA 40PU201V1 Firmware/Software BIN resolution files for absolutely free of cost. I am sure you will like it. NOTE: If you haven’t enough knowledge of Downloading/Updating Firmware Files on TVs then We would not recommend you to do it, please take it to a Technician. Still, if you want to do then please do it at your own risk....

December 6, 2022 · 1 min · 143 words · Steven Stephens